Backing Resilient
Immigrant Founders


of US population are immigrants


of US startup founders are immigrants


of Fortune 500 firms are founded by immigrants


of unicorns are founded by immigrants

Headquartered in Houston, TX, the most diverse city of the United States, Born Global Ventures invests in early stage tech startups led by resilient immigrant entreprenures through the combination of the Born Global Fund, the Born Global Studio, and the Born Global Community by providing intellectual capital, human capital, social capital, and financial capital.

The Born Global Fund invests in pre-seed and seed stage tech startups led by resilient immigrant entrepreneurs addressing some of the most pressing global issues such as sustainability, climate action, energy transition, education, healthcare, and decentralization.

The Born Global Studio provides integrated services including market research, business strategy, product development, legal, finance, and HR, etc. for entrepreneurs to conceive, validate, design, develop, launch, and grow their startups. .

The Born Global Community (a non-profit) is the vibrant movement we initiated with the mission to onboard diverse entrepreneurs and investors and to interconnect local and international ecosystems through thought leadership, educational programs, and network expansion. EVERYONE is invited to join this inclusive community and build human connections full of authenticity and opportunities.

Our Guiding Principles

Maximizing Return

Through rapid experimentation and market validation, our systematic and rigorous venture building process ensures product-market-founder-investor fit, addresses the major reasons startups fail, and increases the chance of success.

Reducing Risk

Our holistic and integrated approach to active participation in venture building as an institutional cofounder avoids unnecessary waste of time and energy coordinating fragmented services and thus maximize return on investment.

Creating Impact

All of our ventures address the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 not only because of the products we develop, but the people we work with, the prosperity we bring, the planet we serve, the partnerships we develop, and the peace we cherish.

Championing Diversity

We value diversity beyond the way we look but the way we think, with brilliant entrepreneurs coming from various upbringings, cultures and backgrounds. This is the true engine of innovation that brings value to untapped high potential global markets.

Our CORE commitments


We have our skin in the game. We are with you from ideation to validation to growth. We are bold and blunt as your sounding board. Our resources are at your disposal throughout. We care about your individual and organizational well being for ultimate success.


We value integrity and transparency. We have the gut and grit though ups and downs. We bring to you highly vetted ventures as a diversified portfolio. Our expert support ensures maximized capital efficiency with reduced risk and better returns. Our impact focus brings you greater good on the global market.

Our CORE commitment

To Founders

We have our skin in your game. We are with you throughout your journey from ideation to acceleration to exit. Our resources are at your disposal throughout the venture building process.

To Investors

Our rigorous process of idea validation to product development enhances the chance of success of our new ventures. Through our curated portfolio of ventures, investors gain exposure to startups at a higher equity, better ROI and improved chance of success.

Join US and make the changes you want to see


Turning brilliant ideas into scalable businesses and making an impact in this world? We would love to learn more!


Maximize your ROI with minimized risk? How about faster and stronger startups at a lower cost? Find out what we are working on.


Are you a talent seeking an opportunity? We’d love to have you onboard our exciting projects.


Are you a mentor willing to share your expertise? We’d love to have your support for our early stage startups.

Thoughts from Our Team

Born Global Ventures is your pit crew, cheer squad, support network and co-founder for your venture. We provide all you need to scale and grow your venture into a successful business.

Sandip Bordoloi, PHD

General Partner, Born Global Ventures


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What we are building

Events and Programs

Venture Lab Wednesday

Women in AI USA Partnership

Born Global Venture Lab at the UST Center for Science and Healthcare Professions

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