Backing Resilient
Immigrant Founders

Headquartered in Houston we partner with immigrant and international entrepreneurs to conceive, design, validate, launch and grow human-centered and data-driven technology startups targeting the global market.

The Studio…

 Born Global Ventures Studio was conceived to address the present gap in the startup ecosystem for pre-seed/pre-revenue startups. The Venture  Studio focusses on products and ideas that can bring impactful changes to the global society and address the current divide regarding access to technology and resources. 

 The studio is also committed to provide international and immigrant founders access to pre-seed capital and all resources needed to scale up successful startups. 

Our Guiding Principles…

Minimizing RISK

Our focus on market validation, rigorous financial modeling and collective intelligence at each stage of venture building is designed to achieve a viable product at launch.

Maximizing RETURN

Through our active participation in the venture building process by providing intellectual capital, human capital, financial capital and social capital we aim to maximize return on the investment for our investors.

Creating IMPACT

Our products and ventures aim to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) identified by the UN in 2015 in the field of Education, Environment and Energy.

Advocating DIVERSITY

We are unbiasedly focused on providing opportunities to underrepresented innovators (female, minority, immigrants) and focus on products that serve underserved segments of the society.

We curate the perfect team of founders, data scientists, UI/UX designers, programmers, marketers, project managers for each unique project.

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