Our Venture Building Process

Our proven and effective process helps startup founders to validate their ideas and develop their products with the market fit already established and verified.

01 Problem Discovery We always start by analyzing the most critical challenges the world is facing with the fast-changing digital age. 01
02 Idea Generation This is when creativity shines while generating alternatives to tackle these problems. 02
05 Develop Working closely together, our data scientist and UI and UX experts make magic happen by turning abstract ideas into visuals. 05
06 Market Validation We conduct extensive research and feasibility study to gain insights from relevant stakeholders. 06
09 Launch We implement the go to market strategy and release the product with a comprehensive marketing approach. 09
10 Traction We keep track of effectiveness by measuring revenue, traffic, users, engagement, and partnerships and keep optimizing ROI. 10
03 03 Financial Analysis We decide the best solution based on projected ROI by evaluating costs and outcomes.
04 04 Design Working closely together, our data scientist and UI and UX experts make magic happen by turning abstract ideas into visuals.
07 07 Iteration From prototype to MVP, we continue to test again and again as we improve the product based on stakeholder feedback.
08 08 Strategic Planning We determine the target market with clear positioning and differentiation, develop strategies for branding, product, distribution, pricing, and promotion, etc., and setup KPIs.
11 11 Fundraising We work with investors to assemble the capital and unleash the full potential for the proven effective startup.
12 12 Scaleup We bring more talents on board and invest more on market penetration to accelerate the growth locally and internationally.

Our Studio Focus

Our ventures seek to address the evolving need for innovation in education, ecommerce, energy and the environment.

Born Global Ventures supports the Sustainable Development Goals.


Future of Education

Education is one of the critical foundation pillars of the social infrastructure. The economic well-being of any society is based on properly trained and well-educated population that can contribute positively to the economic development. There is no shortage of challenges in the education system and here at Born Global Ventures, we have decided to focus on the following critical ideas that has the possibility of making maximum impact.

  • Easily accessible and affordable digital learning solutions that work in areas with reduced infrastructure
  • Learning solutions for continued lifelong learning
  • STEAM based EdTech solutions that provides hand-on experiences to solve real problems
  • AI-ML driven solutions for making education smarter

Energy Transition

As the world moves from fossil-based energy solutions to zero-carbon energy solutions by the middle of this century, several challenges exist. Here at Born Global Ventures, we are focused on identifying and investing in digital solutions that will aid in this historical transition.

  • Digital solutions in energy management to improve efficiency
  • Energy market products to promote green energy sources
  • Energy management digital infrastructure
  • Energy transition education and awareness solutions

Greener Ecommerce

As the world’s trade has moved online, cross border e-commerce is the fastest growing segment of international trade. The equal access to global e-commerce opportunities for small businesses especially those headed by minorities and women is still a challenge. At Born Global Ventures, we see tremendous opportunities to create fair and balanced digital solutions that promote opportunities and inclusion for underserved communities around the world. Below are some of the focus areas.

  • Affordable e-commerce platforms for disadvantaged business owners serving underserved communities
  • Innovative supply chain management for online retailers
  • Affordable green packaging solutions for online retailers
  • Copyright and IP protection for online products

Born Global Global Studio Advantage

How it works?


We curate the perfect team of founders, data scientists, UI/UX designers, programmers, marketers, project managers for each unique project

Strategy & Operations


Research & Analytics


Intellectual Property

Product Development

Talent Management


Marketing & BD

Project Management


Our collaborative approach helps different entities in the innovation ecosystem like accelerators, incubators, VC’s, angel investors, non-governmental agencies, government agencies etc. to get closely involved with our ventures and can support these ventures as they get ready to scale up.

Got an Idea! Connect with Us

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